Practitioner Insights Session 'Cryptoassets: Beyond the Hype'
The Practitioner Insights session titled, ‘An Investment Management Perspective on the Development of Digital Finance’ for universities will provide a dispassionate look at Cryptoassets from the point of view investment professionals. Olivier Fines, CFA, Head of Capital Markets Policy at CFA Institute will report on research conducted over the past year with a variety of investment practitioners and crypto experts—some enthusiastic, some skeptical, many cautious but curious. The research seeks to go beyond the hype and understand what investment professionals are thinking and doing.
Join is to hear expert perspectives and share your own.
Register here for either of two repeat sessions:
Tuesday 18th April 10am UK, 9am GMT, 5pm Beijing /CST
Registration site link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 93798273812
Tuesday 18th April 3pm UK, 2pm GMT, 10am New York/EDT
Registration site link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 91593137342