DBA or PhD? Select the best path for your doctoral career
In this virtual information session, our Directors will explain to you the differences and
similarities between the two programs and answer your questions. Learn more about the doctoral career paths open to you.
Join us Wednesday, July 5 at 5 pm Paris-time (8 am PST, 11am EST, 8:00 pm PKT).
Program start date: November 2023 |
The Grenoble DBA is a tailored, 3-year, part-time, internationally recognized Doctoral program aimed at business leaders and academics who want to enhance their career by leveraging research to solve complex issues. The program is adapted to the busy lives of professionals, located in France and delivered in a hybrid, flexible format. |
Stay tuned to our Research & Doctoral Programs LinkedIn page to get all the news from your doctoral school.
The Doctoral Team
Grenoble Ecole de Management