TABEER - Stepping into a better world!

After almost a year and a half of consistent hard work and effort, Tabeer concluded with its third and last Large Assembly on 23rd February, 2024. We were honoured by the presence of some prominent guests including Dr. Asad Mian, founder of the Critical Creative Innovative Thinking Forum (CICT), AKU and Mr. Junaid Zuberi, CEO at National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA). Our Keynote Speaker, Ms. Unjela Kaleem joined us all the way from Canberra, Australia and shared her invaluable knowledge about storytelling and strategic communication. She is associated with Miyamoto International as Principal of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance. The guests discussed how failures can be celebrated and candidly shared their personal experiences. It was truly inspiring how they could connect with the audience for an engaging and interesting question and answer session.

Tabeer program focused on creating an inclusive environment at IBA and through various workshops and online sessions, participants including both students and faculty members explored the power of empathy, effective communication and authentic leadership. Dr. Ayesha Mian along with her team at Synapse structured the content is such a way that participants not only become good leaders but also inspire others to reach their full potential. One of the most memorable moments from Tabeer was witnessing the transformation in our participants. We observed their self-confidence as they embraced their unique qualities and appreciate the individuality of others. The workshops served as a catalyst for personal growth and encouraged students to think outside the box, fostering a culture of innovation. Moreover, the spirit of collaboration was the heart of Tabeer. Participants were given ample opportunities to work in teams, exchange ideas and identify ways of how we all can create an inclusive and safe campus environment. By fostering an inclusive campus climate and encouraging acceptance, Tabeer has successfully set a powerful example for young people to lead authenticity, respect, and empathy.

Get ready to witness Tabeer Champions on ground soon!!

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