Event: Welcome Fest

Date: March 20, 2022

Sunday, 20th of March 2022, the IBA Students' Council held the first-ever Welcome Fest for the Freshmen and Sophomore batch who had yet to be properly inducted into the IBA due to COVID. 

The festival was held on the Football ground from 1:00 pm and continued till 9:00 pm. Attendees of the festival included students from all batches, as well as alumni, staff, and members of the faculty. 

The Welcome Fest combined elements of the traditional IBA Welcome including the title distribution ceremony for the freshmen and the sophomore batch. As well as a new segment altogether. The festival was modeled on the Karachi Eat festival, with different food vendors and game setups. The vendors for the food stalls included both students of the IBA as well as external food vendors. Inculcating the spirit of entrepreneurship within the students who were able to run their stalls in a real-life setup and mimic the challenges that an entrepreneur would have to face on a small scale. 

The festival also included a soap soccer element and students were encouraged to engage in the activities as well, showcasing team spirit as well. 

The festival closed with a title distribution ceremony, where 25 students from the freshmen batch and 25 students from the sophomore batch were provided with "titles" by their batchmates. The titles were decided through an e-vote and the highest voted students won their respective titles.

 The ISC was excited to host this event, proving to be the first of its kind, and also encouraged creativity and change, including both innovation and tradition in one event.

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