IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle at IBA Main Campus

IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle  at IBA Main Campus

IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle from 3rd to 5th March at IBA Main Campus.

The Computer Science Society is one of the biggest societies at IBA and is the sole representative of the Computer Science community at the university. Our main goal is to inculcate a culture of learning and innovation amongst the student body, so that they have the necessary skills required to excel in the IT industry.

IBA ProBattle is CSS's flagship event and is one of the biggest Tech Olympiad's of Pakistan. Participants from different institutes throughout Pakistan come to IBA for this 3-day event and compete in 18 different tech-related competitions, which test their mettle as champions of their respective domain.

IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle  at IBA Main Campus

This year's ProBattle was unique in many ways. Two new competitions were introduced this year; Data Analytics, in which the participants were given datasets to analyze and interpret and Game Development, in which participants had to build the best possible game within 3 days while staying within predefined parameters. The Business Idea competition was also revamped, to bring it up to pace with the current startup ecosystem of Pakistan. ProBattle'17 had around 1100 participants from not just Karachi but all over Pakistan, making this year's edition of ProBattle the first to go national. The Speed Programming and Database Designs have always been a hit with participants throughout the years, however this year's ProBattle managed to get a combined record-breaking 500 registrations for these competitions. Another feature of this year's ProBattle that particularly stood out was IBM bringing Watson, a cognitive technology that can think and talk like a human.

IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle  at IBA Main Campus

A major part of the event's success is attributed to the sponsors, without which ProBattle'17 would not have been possible. This year CSS was supported by a long list of sponsors which include HBL, Hamid Adamjee Trust, IBM, Tri-Pack Films, Singer, Peekaboo Guru (Powered by Fetch Sky), Mathlers, TechJuice, Rematch Studios and Stemers.

ProBattle'17 was attended by students from various universities and institutions, however there can only be one champion and this year; Umair Basha Institute of Technology (UBIT) was able to walk away with the title of IBA ProBattle'17 Champion.

IBA's Computer Science Society (CSS) held its 5th edition of ProBattle  at IBA Main Campus

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