Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

There are many issues in today's world which most are afraid to address. One such issue is the power women have in this society. Every woman knows deep inside that she deserves much more than she gets. This is why the IBA HR Club in collaboration with the IBA Finance Club decided to hold a where the topic "Women Empowerment: a much needed paradigm shift" was discussed in detail by Dr. Aatiqa Lateef, who is a vocal advocate of women's professional empowerment within the region. She has been a speaker at various initiatives supporting women in the private sector.

The session, held on 4th December 2014 lasted for two hours, and was a source of great motivation for all the ladies who attended. It was a surprise to see male students sitting and listening attentively to every word Dr. Aatiqa said, even asking questions and chipping in with their own ideas now and then. It isn't often that the harsh realities of life are handed to us in a silver platter, but that's exactly what happened in the conference.

Dr. Aatiqa Lateef talked about the way women are treated in this world, and that it's just as wrong that they don’t do anything about it. One has to believe in oneself in order to become someone significant and achieve something big. She narrated incidents from her life to convey her point, stressing again and again on the fact that we have to work hard to get somewhere. Twenty years from now, it won't matter much what we achieved, it’s the type of person we were and how we dealt with what life threw at us that would matter. Twenty years from now, we will find those we looked up to leaving us one by one, and that’s when the truth will dawn upon us, the fact that we will soon become those whom we sought for advice. It's a truth we need to start accepting, or it will hit us right in the face and leave us half stranded.

One might have thought that the seminar would be a boring one, and thus not worthy of attending; as a matter of fact, they were two hours well spent and full of learning. Kudos to the IBA HR Club and Finance Club for taking the initiative and addressing another pressing issue which exists in the society. Most of those who attended walked out of the room a different person.


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